SW13 0 Postcodes, Map, Properties And Census Information

Facts Checked By Data Team - Written By Simon Rose - Reviewed By Jonathan Benton

SW13 0 is a postcode sector in Richmond upon Thames, UK. Below is a complete list of SW13 0 Postcodes (Active). SW13 0 postcode sector comprises of 151 active postcodes. SW13 0 sector has a population of 6658, and it has 2820 properties in the region.

Browse Information On SW13 0 postcode sector

SW13 0 Postcode and Census - Statistical Overview

Population 6658
Addresses / Property Count 2820
Active Postcodes 151
Nearby Postcode Districts 28
Nearby Postcode Sectors 4

View Map Of SW13 0 Postcode Sector

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showing 0-50 of 151 postcodes
Postcode Latitude Longitude Households Population Easting Northing
SW13 0AA 51.47183600 -0.24899400 34 80 521713 176217
SW13 0AB 51.47138800 -0.24915500 22 53 521703 176167
SW13 0AD 51.47140200 -0.24764300 30 65 521808 176171
SW13 0AE 51.47199300 -0.25111900 27 74 521565 176231
SW13 0AG 51.47182100 -0.25160100 28 64 521532 176211
SW13 0AH 51.47072800 -0.25007300 29 99 521641 176092
SW13 0AJ 51.47076100 -0.24928000 16 45 521696 176097
SW13 0AL 51.47015400 -0.24895700 17 31 521720 176030
SW13 0AN 51.47010400 -0.25160000 20 43 521537 176020
SW13 0AP 51.46949100 -0.25213600 6 13 521501 175951
SW13 0AQ 51.47221900 -0.25236300 15 33 521478 176254
SW13 0AR 51.46919300 -0.25325600 35 81 521424 175916
SW13 0AS 51.46941800 -0.25333400 36 81 521418 175941
SW13 0AT 51.46888500 -0.25310900 37 81 521435 175882
SW13 0AU 51.46874700 -0.25287600 38 76 521452 175867
SW13 0AW 51.46994600 -0.25131200 23 51 521557 176003
SW13 0AX 51.46856500 -0.25279000 1 1 521458 175847
SW13 0AY 51.46960400 -0.25131100 16 38 521558 175965
SW13 0AZ 51.46943900 -0.25111600 22 48 521572 175947
SW13 0BA 51.47006700 -0.24979600 40 100 521662 176019
SW13 0BE 51.46610200 -0.23902000 N/A N/A 522421 175596
SW13 0BF 51.46932300 -0.25534400 N/A N/A 521279 175927
SW13 0BG 51.47042900 -0.24510800 N/A N/A 521987 176067
SW13 0BH 51.47282500 -0.24116600 10 25 522254 176340
SW13 0BJ 51.47229700 -0.24074000 23 65 522285 176282
SW13 0BL 51.47169100 -0.24115200 9 29 522258 176214
SW13 0BN 51.47143900 -0.24110400 3 23 522262 176186
SW13 0BP 51.47187600 -0.23907200 5 17 522402 176238
SW13 0BQ 51.47031600 -0.24531400 N/A N/A 521973 176054
SW13 0BS 51.47272100 -0.23903000 31 90 522403 176332
SW13 0BT 51.47403700 -0.23988100 28 75 522340 176477
SW13 0BU 51.47404900 -0.23947700 30 78 522368 176479
SW13 0BW 51.47175600 -0.24004100 5 17 522335 176223
SW13 0BX 51.47278700 -0.23866200 30 89 522428 176340
SW13 0BY 51.47197200 -0.23764800 11 25 522501 176251
SW13 0DA 51.47277500 -0.23788500 54 97 522482 176340
SW13 0DB 51.47430000 -0.23882000 75 148 522413 176508
SW13 0DD 51.47460200 -0.24034000 N/A N/A 522307 176539
SW13 0DE 51.47495500 -0.23931300 N/A N/A 522377 176580
SW13 0DP 51.46780200 -0.25345900 N/A N/A 521414 175761
SW13 0DQ 51.47479600 -0.24066400 29 61 522284 176560
SW13 0DR 51.47360900 -0.24250400 11 34 522159 176425
SW13 0DS 51.47354900 -0.24092200 23 64 522269 176421
SW13 0DT 51.47276000 -0.23988700 30 92 522343 176335
SW13 0DU 51.47245800 -0.24011500 14 34 522328 176301
SW13 0DW 51.47297900 -0.25147600 N/A N/A 521538 176340
SW13 0DX 51.47303900 -0.24046700 5 11 522302 176365
SW13 0DY 51.47322900 -0.24112200 14 46 522256 176385
SW13 0DZ 51.47277400 -0.24195100 8 27 522200 176333
SW13 0EA 51.47299200 -0.24272900 21 78 522145 176356
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